SLSHY+, Saint Luke Youth and Young Adult Ministry

SLSHY+, Saint Luke’s youth and young adult ministry program gathers every Sunday 10:00am - 11:00am at 915 Highland Drive (the house directly behind the great hall). SLSHY+ is open to all who are 14 – 30+ years old. Every month we have a social activity focused on fellowship as well as a servant event where we seek to live out of faith by helping others. Other activities include a yearly beach retreat, lock-ins, servant trips, drama ministry camps, and triennially attending the national Youth Gathering. Please see the SLSHY+ calendar posted below for more details.

All are welcome.

Deacon Kyle Warfield
Director of Discipleship and Senior High ministries

SLSHY+ Calendar

For more detail, single click on a SLSHY+ event below


16mar(mar 16)10:00 am(mar 16)10:00 amSLSHY Service Project: Go and do likewiseDoing Something about hunger


13apr(apr 13)1:30 pm(apr 13)1:30 pmPalm Sunday / Holy Week– No Faith Formation (Sunday School) this Sunday

20apr(apr 20)10:00 am(apr 20)10:00 amEaster - No SLSHY Faith Formation ClassChrist is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

25apr(apr 25)5:00 pm27(apr 27)5:00 pmSLSHY Beach RetreatCanceled due to Covid 19


17may(may 17)7:00 pm(may 17)7:00 pmSLSHY Fellowship Event - Go Kart RacingFellowship Event - Go Kart Racing


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