- 337 · דף 14
שידור חי
אירועים קרובים
Epiphany of Our Lord - 1.7.24 - 8:45
Epiphany of Our Lord - 1.7.24 - 11:15
Baptism of Our Lord - 1.14.24 - 8:45
Baptism of Our Lord - 1.14.24 - 11:15
Segundo Domingo despues de la Epifania - 1.14.24 - 5:00
Third Sunday After Epiphany - 1.21.24 - 8:45
Third Sunday After Epiphany - 1.21.24 - 11:15
Fourth Sunday After Epiphany - 1.28.24 - 8:45
Fourth Sunday After Epiphany - 1.28.24 - 11:15
Cuarto Domingo despues de la Epifania- 1.28.24 - 5:00
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany - 2.4.24 - 8:45
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany - 2.4.24 - 11:15
Saint Luke Worship- Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost- ...
Saint Luke Worship- Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost- ...
Saint Luke Worship- God's Work Our Hands- 10.15.23 - 11:15
Saint Luke Worship- Gods Work Our Hands- 10.15.23 - 8:45
Decimo Noveno Domingo Despues de Pentecostes 10-8-23
Saint Luke Worship- Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost- 10...
Saint Luke Worship- Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost- 10...
Saint Luke Worship- Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost- 10...
Saint Luke Worship- Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost- 9...
Saint Luke Worship- Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost- 9...
Saint Luke Worship- Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost- 9.1...
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany- 2.12.23 - 11:15
San Lucas Misa- Sexto Domingo Después de la Epifania- 2....
Morning Lenten Devotion- 3.15.23
The Fourth Sunday in Lent- 3.19.23 - 11:15
The Fifth Sunday in Lent- 3.26.23 - 11:15
Morning Lenten Devotion- 3.29.23
Holy Week - Tuesday Noon Prayers- 4.4.23
Maundy Thursday- The First Day of Ancient Triduum - 4.6.23
San Lucas Misa- Segundo Domingo despues de Pentecostes- 6...
Saint Luke Worship- Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost- 9.1...
Fourth Sunday After Epiphany - 1.28.24 - 8:45
Epiphany of Our Lord - 1.7.24 - 8:45
Epiphany of Our Lord - 1.7.24 - 11:15
Baptism of Our Lord - 1.14.24 - 8:45
Baptism of Our Lord - 1.14.24 - 11:15
Segundo Domingo despues de la Epifania - 1.14.24 - 5:00
Third Sunday After Epiphany - 1.21.24 - 8:45
Third Sunday After Epiphany - 1.21.24 - 11:15
Fourth Sunday After Epiphany - 1.28.24 - 8:45
Fourth Sunday After Epiphany - 1.28.24 - 11:15
Cuarto Domingo despues de la Epifania- 1.28.24 - 5:00
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany - 2.4.24 - 8:45
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany - 2.4.24 - 11:15