After School Tutoring Programs:

"People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs." Mark 10:13-16 (NRSV)

When we look at our children, we see that they inherit our features, our eye color, our hair, and our facial features. Statistics show that our children also inherit our social status in both education and lifetime income achievement. This inheritance is not due to the children's abilities, but is due to the environment and social structure the children find themselves born into. We, society, are therefore responsible for creating this unending cycle of bondage to poverty that surrounds these children.

La Sagrada Familia offers a safe place for children to do their homework removed from the distractions of peer groups, gangs, and drugs. This is especially important during the hours immediately after school when most of the children's parents are not home from their jobs. Many students in the community have difficulty getting help for their homework because their family may only speak Spanish, or their family members may not be able to read or write. Tutors are available to help these children succeed, and La Sagrada Familia has seen many of its children excel in school, thereby giving the children the possibility of escaping from the statistical probabilities of poverty.

If you would like your child to participate in this free after school program, please press the button below.


Art classes:

"He has filled them with skill to do every kind of work done by an artisan or by a designer or by an embroiderer in blue, purple, and crimson yarns, and in fine linen, or by a weaver—by any sort of artisan or skilled designer." Exodus 35:35 -(NRSV)

Whether building the temple in Exodus, or an after school art class activity, God has given each of us unique gifts. As the children learn to use and cultivate these gifts in the weekly La Sagrada Familia art classes, they develop a sense of identity, community, and self-worth. Statistics from a National Endowment for the Arts study indicates that students who are involved in the arts are three times more likely to earn a bachelor’s degree.

These art classes enable the children to imagine and obtain a better future. By the end of each class, the children are eager to show their parents their masterpieces. Many of the children's art projects are permanently on exhibit at University Landings community room.

If you would like your child to participate in this free after school art program, please press the button below.


English as a Second Language Classes:

"And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language?" Acts 2:8 - (NRSV)

At Pentecost, foreigners and locals were able to speak in their own language, yet all understood. Many of the world problems would simply vanish if we only took the time to understand and communicate with each other. The responsibility of understanding each other should not only be shouldered on the marginalized, the poorest, and our newest guests, but the privileged, who have the means, should also seek to learn to understand their neighbor. "For we are all one body of Christ." Romans 12:5 - (NRSV)

Most of the new Latino guests in the United States do not speak English and because of this, many contractors who hire these guests find ways to cheat and abuse their day laborers. The English language quickly becomes the difference between subsistence living and extreme poverty. La Sagrada Familia offers daily beginner English as a Second Language Class each week that focus on the dialogue required for workplace communications. Within a few weeks, students are able to negotiate for their wages, interview for jobs, and communicate with their management. Special thanks go out to University Landing properties, a major contributor of supplies and funds that help make this program possible.

If you are interested in attending one of our free English as a Second Language classes, please press the button below.

Monday 7:30pm
Meeting ID: 840 5701 4522
Passcode: 086411
Phone 1 301 715 8592

Tuesday 7:30pm
Meeting ID: 895 0202 5125
Passcode: 212766
Phone 1 301 715 8592

Wednesday 7:30pm
Meeting ID: 840 5701 4522
Passcode: 086411
Phone 1 301 715 8592


Community Service:

"Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others." Philippians 2:4 -(NRSV)

La Sagrada Familia offers many opportunities to help those who have been marginalized by our society. There are opportunities such as distributing coats coffee and breas on a cold winter season, and cold water, t-shirts and food during Summer season, conversing with those who have no one else to talk to, feeding the hungry, providing backpacks of school supplies to underprivileged children, community organizing, and protesting new and unjust legislation. If you would like to serve others through volunteering at the ministry at La Sagrada Familia, please click on the button below.


Special thanks go out to University Landing Properties,
who significantly contribute to this ministry through the donation of their community room.

Special thanks also go out to the Evangelical Lutheran Church, The Metro DC Synod,
and private individuals, who without their financial help, this ministry would not be possible.

We also want to thank our ministry partner ELCA Campus Ministry
at the University of Maryland, and the many volunteers who support this ministry each and every day.