Who We Are:
We are a community of believers in Jesus Christ, who share in a common Latino heritage and come from countries that are located in Central America. Some of our members are second and third generation citizens of the United States, while others have recently fled from extreme poverty, war, and turmoil. Most of us have come to the United States in search for security, food, and a living wage, so that we may be able to provide for our families.
Our diversity in backgrounds, customs, and traditions are tightly bonded together by our desire to help each other live out our ministry in daily life. We do this by following Christ’s example of helping the disadvantaged and those in need.
Many in our community hold numerous jobs and work long hours for wages that are below poverty level. Some who have recently fled from massive poverty and violence arrive with nothing. By following the example of the early Christian communities described in the book of Acts, we share what we have with those who are less fortunate, giving others a chance to break the cycle of poverty.
We are extremely thankful to God for the generosity shown to us by the people of the United States and for all the blessings God has given our community.
La Sagrada Familia is supported by the Metro DC Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, through other congregations, and by private donations. This support enables us to continue to share and enact the good news of Christ in this community.
Where We Are Located:
La Sagrada Familia is located in Langley Park Maryland, an area that is densely populated and is considered one of the poorest neighborhoods in the Metropolitan Washington DC area. Children are regularly exposed to violence, drug abuse, and crime while being under the constant threat of being pulled into gangs. This ministry seeks to improve the lives of those living in this community through its many educational programs and its witness to the Gospel.