We invite you to pray with and for our ministry.
God of grace and mercy, we pray for the community of La Sagrada Familia and those who are touched by its ministry. We pray that you guide the leaders and volunteers of this ministry, so that they may begin to heal the wounds that society has placed upon the disenfranchised, that they may build up those who lack hope, and that they may help others to see the amazing love and grace of our Savior and Lord. We pray that you open our eyes so that we may see the suffering around us, and ask that you send your Holy Spirit to guide us into action following your will. In Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
English as a Second Language instructor :
"There is gold, and abundance of costly stones; but the lips informed by knowledge are a precious jewel." -Proverbs 20:15 -(NRSV)
In North America, the gift of conversing in the English language is often the difference between making a living wage and extreme poverty. If you are blessed with the gift of speaking in both Spanish and English, and would like to share that gift by helping to instruct beginner students, please click on the button below.
Serving the marginalized in our society :
"Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me." - Matthew 25:40(NRSV)
La Sagrada Familia offers many opportunities to help those who have been marginalized by our society. Opportunities such as distributing coats on a cold winter day, conversing with those who have no one else to talk to, feeding the hungry, prison ministry, and protesting new and unjust legislation. If you would like to serve others through volunteering at the ministry at La Sagrada Familia, please click on the button below.
Make a donation :
"How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses help?" -1 John 3:17 -(NRSV)
The Ministry of La Sagrada Familia is focused on those who live in poverty. This important ministry cannot exist without the support of individuals and congregations. 100% of the donations we receive via this website support those who are in need. Thank you for considering donating to this important ministry.