Luther’s Theology of the Cross: A Challenge to the Church in Africa and Beyond

In the face of abject poverty, and a common belief that poverty is God’s will, what does it mean to proclaim the cross of Christ? A sea of false prophets abound, promising wealth, for a price! Recovering the “theology of the cross” is at the center of the mission of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.



The Immigrant Luther: Domestic Servant or Prophet of Social Justice?

Consider Luther an immigrant, "naturalized" (domesticated) into the American ethos of a piety of achievement. Luther claimed that salvation is received but not achieved when social programs fall short of achieving the common good. This has the potential for constructively informing the ecumenical/global church in the face of the present crises.



When Governments and Politicians Fail: Citizenship Formation and the Role of the Church

Disenchantment with the political opens a dangerous scenario of more inequality, social injustice, and ecological degradation. In Luther’s theology, government is central in the mediation of God’s care of the world and thus of the Christian’s love of the neighbor. What insights have partners in the Global South provided in response to the crises of our day?



“And though This World with Devils Filled”: Re-Shaping the World in Hope

Luther theology is closely linked not only to his context but also to his biography. Luther’s life was a continuous struggle on so many levels. Yet it was the Christian hope that helped him reshape his world and gave him the resilience to endure. How can hope reshape our work and world today? As a Palestinian Lutheran pastor and theologian who has been living through many struggles, Dr. Raheb will speak on the power of hope in reshaping Christian ministry today and its potential for reshaping our world in this era.



Polarization in Our Parishes, Societies and World Today:
Can Luther Help?

Polarization and populism are increasingly rising throughout the world. Not only has much in Luther been “forgotten” but so too are many people (e.g, working-class) who feel “forgotten,” victimized by increasing inequalities, fearing both the future and those they view as “other.” Many are succumbing to populist appeals, often bolstered through the misuse of religion. Are there insights of Luther that can help us transform this global crisis today, for the sake of more just good for all?

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